1 min read

NZMPS Supports Eliminating Woke Discrimination in Healthcare

The New Zealand Medical Professionals’ Society (NZMPS) acknowledges and supports the recent decision by Health New Zealand to revoke the 'equity adjuster tool' previously used in public hospitals to assess priority for non-urgent surgical waitlists. Doctors were forced to discriminate, at odds with the Hippocratic oath, simply so bureaucrats and politicians could extol the virtues of wokeism. 

Healthcare should be accessible for all New Zealanders, irrespective of race, gender, sexuality, or age. The 'equity adjuster tool', which factored in ethnicity among other criteria, is also another example of the needless complexity inserted into medical practice, introduced by bureaucrats who have likely never practiced themselves.

The NZMPS firmly supports a healthcare system that prioritises patient care based on medical need alone. Every patient deserves to be treated equitably, and decisions regarding their care should be based solely on clinical urgency and the specifics of their health conditions, rather than any demographic factors. 

NZMPS Secretary Chris Dekker states, “when Health New Zealand discriminates in providing healthcare on the basis of ethnicity, they put themselves on par with sectarian autocracies.” He added, “forcing Doctors to play a part in this practice was vile, and we welcome its removal.”

We advocate for a healthcare system that ensures fairness and equal treatment for all individuals, without a dose of ideology. Our commitment is to support policies that uphold these values and ensure that all patients receive the timely and unbiased care they need.