1 min read

Behind the Membership Fees: NZMPS vs. MPS

Medical Protection Society Full Time membership costs upwards of $1200, whereas your new NZMPS membership is noticeably lower at $650. For the same coverage and protection. 

The truth is, where the money goes tells you a lot about what an association stands for. Monopolies always hike up their fees, and why? Because there is no competition. It’s all about money and control. That’s why they charge double what it actually costs to provide a service.

If you want an association that genuinely cares about you and your protection, then the organisation's interests must be aligned with your interests as a doctor. 

Monopolies are not good for members. Taking choice away from you and charging like a wounded bull. By introducing competing services, at a lower price, the NZMPS guarantees the best outcome for doctors. Why? Because if they don’t improve, you’ll leave and join a better organisation.

NZMPS doesn’t just mean indemnity insurance with excellent coverage. We also take care of medical council representation should it be neededUnlike some of our competitors, we value the primacy of the doctor-patient relationship, and won’t hesitate to appeal if we believe that the Medical Council has overstepped their mark.

We’re not afraid to call out other organisations for giving doctors a bad deal. It’s unfair, plain and simple. Taking advantage of medical professionals just because they know they have money. 

But guess what? There’s another way. The NZMPS. 

We’re here to flip the script in healthcare by empowering frontline doctors, not getting tangled in bureaucratic red tape. We’re run by doctors, for doctors. 

At NZMPS, we’re for doctors, by doctors. We’re here to protect you at work, shielding you from unnecessary meddling. Your hard-earned medical expertise? We respect it, fiercely defending your right to practise without undue interference.

Experience the difference yourself, join NZMPS today.